Practical automated testing for software engineers using Python.
Mostly. But also so much more.

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161: Waste in Software Development

Software development processes create value, and have waste, in the Lean sense of the word waste. Lean manufacturing and lean software development changed the way we l...

160: DRY, WET, DAMP, AHA, and removing duplication from production code and test code

Should your code be DRY or DAMP or something completely different? How about your test code? Do different rules apply? Wait, what do all of these acronyms mean? We'll...

159: Python, pandas, and Twitter Analytics - Matt Harrison

When learning data science and machine learning techniques, you need to work on a data set. Matt Harrison had a great idea: Why not use your own Twitter analytics data...

158: TDD in Swift - Gio

Iterative processes that include writing test code and production code together, such as TDD, help make coding fun. All of us that care about developing quality cod...

157: pre-commit - Anthony Sottile

pre-commit started as a framework for running linters and code formatters during git actions via git hooks. It's grown and expanded and now supports an extensive list...

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